
I have not been in my studio for two days however I have been enjoying taking photographs around my home and seeing little pieces of 'art' everywhere I look. 

 To me, art is... something that stirs my soul, be it a colour, an object, a painting or just a certain arrangement of objects I see out the corner of my eye. 

These are some images from around my home.
I have also dug up some  photos of me painting as a child.
mim x

printing and tea drinking

Lots of mucking about and printing and tea drinking in my house the last two days.
I attempted to do a photo collage in 'paint'but was very unsuccessful.
Perhaps Jo at Mystory could do a post on how to accomplish this?! :)

I have been enjoying printing in many forms and also a bit of felting...  I am trying to get a lot of little  gift type things into the shop in time for the Christmas rush.
The Little green print you see is my new screen print for kids clothes.
The blue is a monoprint called' little bird,big forest, blue moon.'
I have been using my felt scraps to make into little needle books for xmas presents and also to sell in the shop.

This bottom pic is one of my girls dresses that I printed yesterday, made from vintage fabric.
mim x

post exhibitiion freedom woman

Well, the exhibitiion has been and gone and now i am sooooooooo relieved!!
more time for other arty pursuits and hanging out with my kids. ( more time for blogging!)
here are some photos of my work at the exhibition. Its all screen print (except for one sculptural piece)
and I am satisfied with all the pieces. My favourite is the perspex hanging segments you see, its called 'Bluebird' and consists of five tranparent sections in which I have placed, stitched and layered over a screen printed image of my face. 
looking forward to seeing what everyone else has been up to in the last few weeks!
mim x